
We started ActionAbility Ltd. in 2003 when we returned to Warwickshire after a 3 year stint working in San Francisco where we first started building websites. Having our own company allows us to work as independent consultants, taking on contract work doing website and database design and implementation for both large and small clients.

  • Lynne Cooke

    Lynne has over 25 years experience, within a 40-year span, of working in software development, maintenance, testing and troubleshooting with a variety of hardware, operating systems, communications products, programming languages and development tools.


    Her career began in the defence sector with software engineering positions in GEC Marconi Radar and Plessey Radar. After a family career break, she returned to the IT arena in the area of instrument control and scientific data collection and analysis for Bede Scientific Instruments Ltd and The Meteorological Office.


    A switch to database technology followed, including software tool development in the OEM sector and software development for data collection and analysis in the market research and commercial sector.


  • David Shuttleworth

    David has over 40 years experience in the IT industry, initially in commercial applications programming and systems analysis, then gaining a broader technical background by working for hardware vendors as a systems engineer and consultant. This has given him the opportunity to work with a wide range of programming languages, operating systems, communications products and development tools.


    Working for over 23 years in pre- and post-sales consultancy for Data General, Teradata and Whitecross Systems (now Kognitio) on projects for major clients all around the world has provided a wide experience of different industries including telecommunications (British Telecom, T.A.S.A. (Argentina), CTC Mundo (Chile), TLD (Puerto Rico), Sprint (U.S.A)), transportation (SNCF (Paris), British Airways), banking (Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank), utilities (Scottish Power, Anglian Water), media (Fuji TV (Tokyo)) and retail (El Corte Inglés (Madrid)).


    More recently, as an independent consultant, David has worked with database vendors Netezza and Exasol.


    David is a recognised authority in the areas of database technology, parallel processing in the database arena, data warehousing and web technologies. He also speaks at conferences and seminars (including creating and delivering the 'Parallel Processing for Commercial Database' seminar for Codd & Date and contributing to articles in 'New Scientist' and BBC Radio 4's 'Network' popular science program). He is a member of the Data Warehousing Institute and has spoken at their annual Leadership Conference.


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