This newsletter covers the first part of 2001, up to end of May.
It was released to an unsuspecting world on May 28th, 2001.

Latest gossip from San
Francisco… Realised it’s been almost 6 months since I last did a ‘newsletter’, so it’s probably time for another diatribe. Time still seems to fly by at an amazing pace here – it came as quite a shock in March when we got a note from our local rental agency telling us our first year’s lease on Cooke-Shuttleworth Towers here on Treasure Island was up, and asking us if we wanted to sign up for another year… well, we did, but were not a little concerned due to the ‘little local difficulty’ you may be aware of regarding stuff like the cost of electricity and gas… our rental agreement includes all services, so we were worried that the new rent would reflect the horror stories of 300% power bill increases that have been reported here over the last year.. Anyway, we got the papers to sign and the increase was…. only 2.9%!!! So we quickly signed, grinning, and managed to stifle our ‘Yeeee-hahs!’ till we got outside. Therefore we’ll be in the house here for at least another year – which is kind of a good thing, since we recently bit the bullet and ‘got a little man in’ (sorry, Terry) to sort out our back garden (or ‘yard’ as they say here). The rental agreement also covers maintenance of the front of the house and all other open/shared areas, but we’re supposed to look after the enclosed bit at the back, and we hadn’t touched it for a year. Those of you who know me well will understand this… I’m no gardener, and I’m proud to say that I still don’t know my Arisaema from my Elderberry.. but it was getting a bit embarrassing, even for me. Anyway, we’re now proud owners of a bit of (very
fast-growing) lawn, surrounded by a range of herbs, shrubs, trainee trees,
vines, compost thingy, etc etc, all fed and watered daily by an automated
sprinkler system. It already looks so much better, and by the summer it should
be well bedded in and perfect for sitting out in (assuming the wind ever
drops!). The other thing we’ve done is signed up for a fast Internet
link from the house, so by the time you read this we’ll be well and truly
‘wired’.. (or more accurately, ‘wirelessed’, as the easiest way to get fast
access from the island is to use a wireless link – the island isn’t yet fully
cabled for standard DSL). So who knows, maybe we’ll also get around to setting
up a web site, and even having a live ‘YardCam’ so Terry the gardener can
remotely see the fruits of his labours (literally in some cases).
Last bit of news on the home front is that our Fung is now
most definitely Shwaying… we had a visit from a Feng Shui bloke who gave us
lots of interesting comments and suggestions re the house, garden, etc. Apparently
Michele’s bedroom has to be kept neat and tidy or we’ll all end up paupers… oh
well… but seriously (folks), bullshit or not it was an interesting couple of
hours, and whenever there’s an acceptable option re future decoration or
placement, we’ll probably go with the recommendations on the grounds that it
can’t hurt… I guess the real test is if you feel that it’s a happy, relaxing
sort of place when you visit us. I’ll await feedback with interest. So what else has been going on? On the music front we’ve
been carefully selecting which gigs we go to see (from the huge choice
available every week…). Some notables this time around – visiting Brits Richard
Thompson, Joe Jackson, Bob Fox, Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham, and also Elton
John who was touring with Billy Joel. Also been seeing local blues and folk
bands at various pubs, clubs and festivals.. All very good, but a special
mention for the Elton John/Billy Joel gig and also for Bob Fox. Definitely
opposite ends of the scale, with Elton/Billy doing a big joint thing at Oakland
Coliseum, and Bob getting over his jet lag by doing an intimate ‘house concert’
up in the Berkeley hills.. but both excellent entertainment. (Check out Bob’s
latest CD ‘Dreams Never Leave You’ which has backing band who are basically Fairport
Convention – you can download samples from his web-site ). We have tickets
for Eric Clapton’s local gig in August, which should be good – I’ll finally get
to see the guy play live. Lynne is now settled into the local folk/Morris scene as a
member of Berkeley Morris – we’re now in the (relatively short) dance season so
most weekends there’s a dance-out at some local place. We’ve already returned
to the Jack Russell microbrewery up in the Sierra Nevada foothills (scene of
Lynne’s debut with the BerkMos) – we
were there for Bonfire night, and 6 months to the day later we were there for a
(slightly belated) MayDay bash, complete with maypole. I managed to miss the
dancing at dawn this MayDay, though Lynne and the rest of the folks had a full
day of dances starting around 5:00am at Inspiration Point up in the Berkeley
hills. (And before you all assume I was still tucked up in bed, let me tell you
that I was actually up at the same time, though many miles and 2 time zones
further east in Kansas City). Highlight so far was the ‘Ale’ (or ‘weekend of
dance’) hosted by Berkeley morris where about 20 dance sides from all along the
US west coast converged on SF for a weekend… the weather was kind, and a jolly
time was had by all. Lynne’s also found that there’s a gap in the market here for
an English-style ceilidh band – she’s in the middle of putting something
together for the SF Free Folk Festival at the end of June, but I’m sure she has
ideas beyond that… (and who knows, I may yet get a drumming gig!!). Of course,
as always the difficult bit about getting a band together will be deciding on a
name… we’re already thinking of ideas, (ideally something with relevance to San
Francisco.. conjuring up images of the bridges, the bay, the fog, etc) and have
come up with things like Fogwatch (the name of a meeting hall on Treasure
Island) and Bridge the Gap (maybe if we get a sponsorship deal from the Gap
clothing company??), but then things started getting silly.. how about ‘Bridge
Players’, ‘Spanners in the works’ or ‘Bay City Strollers’?? (although
‘stroller’ is US-speak for ‘pushchair;, so this wouldn’t work too well). If we
had a brass section we could be ‘Fog Horns’ I suppose… Lynne also tells me there’s
a local Celtic folk/rock band called ‘Avalon Rising’… I said I thought ‘Avalon
Lunchbreak’ would be better. In true Blue Peter fashion, if you have any
suggestions, please send them in! Also on the entertainment front, we went to see the local
production of Stomp (the percussion/dance show which all started out in London
and Brighton with a band called Pookiesnackenburger who I remember seeing many
years ago…). This is now a fixture here in SF, having recently also celebrated
their first year based in the city, and well worth seeing if ever you get
chance. The occasion was Lynne’s birthday – and (using my natural cunning and
secrecy skills to the limit) I’d managed to organize a surprise visit from
eldest 2 daughters Jennie and Claire for the weekend. I thought that going to a
loud raucous show would be a good way to make sure they didn’t succumb to jet
lag on the Saturday night… and it seemed to work, with rave reviews from all. Jennie also paid a (literally) flying visit to San Fran a
couple of weeks ago… she’s now out in Australia with some pals on a 3-month
back-packing trip, and broke the journey with a 5 hour layover in San Francisco
airport. We all went down to meet up with her, have a bite and a chat. She was
already pretty wrecked after an 11-hour flight, with another 13 hours to go,
but it was good to see her. No doubt we’ll get longer to chat etc when she
comes back in August – she plans to stay with us in SF for a couple of weeks
then. Michele, our resident ‘Lynne’s daughter’, has had a hectic
time this year fitting in the academic stuff as well as her drama commitments.
Her school has a very strong drama club, and Michele’s taken the opportunity to
get involved in several plays, culminating last weekend in parts in 2 plays
staged on the same day. We saw one of them, a very ambitious production of a
comedy called ‘You can’t take it with you’, which was very well done.. we also
had the pleasure of hosting (or more correctly, getting out of the way while
Michele hosted) the cast party after the final performance here at the house.
Just a few weeks left of term (with exams!) and then Michele will be headed
back to UK for the summer, which I know she’s looking forward to. We’ve had a few little party
bashes here in the last few months.. a dinner party for my birthday, various
gatherings with the Morris mob and visiting colleagues, and of course the local
big KFOG KA-BOOM fireworks party. This is somewhat of an anniversary thing for
me and Lynne – 2 years ago I was working out here in May, and Lynne came out to
join me for a long weekend… it was then that we really first seriously thought
about coming out here for a stint… and it coincided with the fireworks show.
Next big gathering will probably be in October for Fleet Week, which has taken
on the equivalent status here to the Molesey Regatta back in the UK – i.e. an
excuse for inviting people over for a party (though it’s not quite as easy as
it was with the rowers to hit the low-flying F-16s with popping champagne
corks!) Work-wise life has been busy for both Lynne and me… as well
as ongoing support for some utilities she took over last year, Lynne has got
involved in development of some of the new web-based support products for our
managed service, so she’s (yet again!) having the wonderful experience adding
new acronyms to her CV (or ‘resume’ as the say here) – which of course means
learning lots of new ways of doing the same old things… (I can write Fortran in
ANY language..) My major project (which is based in Kansas City and
accounted for around 50 flights last year!) has been going through the usual
implementation trauma, but thankfully I haven’t needed to travel there as often
as last year. We’re approaching final ‘handover’ phase now so there’s light at
the end of the tunnel. I’m looking forward to getting out and doing more
pre-sales work again… only done a couple of these things in the last 6 months
due to the other commitments. I almost got to speak at a conference in Palm Springs… but
the plug got pulled at the last minute. However, we’d already planned for Lynne
to fly out and join me there for the weekend, and tickets had been booked… so
we thought ‘what the hell, let’s go for it anyway..’. So we did.. and it was a
very strange weekend. You know I’ve always been an Oasis fan (geddit?), but
this was a different kind of oasis – in fact even in my Egyptian and
Moroccan travels I’ve never seen a real
oasis like this. Especially since it’s now become a retirement resort for the
rich and famous… at least Lynne and I felt the youngest we’ve felt in ages,
compared to the rest of the locals. Having said all that, we had a good weekend
– there’s interesting stuff to see there including 200 year old palm trees,
lots of local native American history (that’s ‘red Indian’ in case you’re not
fully up to speed with current US politically correct naming conventions). Also
a revolving cable car ride to the snowbound top of a local mountain which
overlooks the desert & town (which is pretty weird in itself, if you think
about it..), as well as a zoo specializing in desert flora and fauna…Not to
mention of course some good food (especially Mexican). To top it all, due to a
last minute scheduling change our flights got upgraded to first class both
there and back, and Lynne managed to wangle a free ticket which can be used
anytime over the next year to any destination that (wait for it) Alaska
Airlines fly to. (We’re thinking Mexico might be a good bet…but then again they
also fly to Seattle and that’s a good place for a weekend, and they have lots
of festivals up there!) Although we’re feeling very settled here, we’re still
continually amused by the differences in the ‘common language’ used by the US
and UK. We’ve worked out that they call a frying pan a ‘skillet’ – but only
after confusion over a new product being heavily advertised on TV, a sort of
up-market burger designed to be fried.. these are called ‘Skillet Fillets’ –
but apparently this is pronounced ‘Skill-it Fee-Lays’. Surely ‘Ski-Lay Fee-Lay’
would be better (and also a good name for a band, thinking about it..), or even
‘Skill-it Fill-it’. We also got a giggle recently as we drove down Route 101
(and believe me, it’s rare to get a giggle on that stretch of road!). There are
several chains of retail stores here ending with the word ‘Barn’ – e.g. Pottery
Barn, Jewelry Barn, Shoe Barn, Drug Barn… so we were pleased to see a car
dealership specializing in German cars and having the name ‘Autobahn’. Couldn’t
work out if it was intentional or not, but funny all the same. Think that’s covered most of the major stuff… needless to
say we’re looking forward to being back in the UK and hopefully meeting up with
most of you when we’re there in July/August. I’ll be sending out a ‘final’
itinerary closer to the time, but you’ll definitely be able to catch up with us
at Warwick Folk Festival between July 27th and 30th…(see
for details). I know several of you are already planning to be
there too, so hopefully see you then – and I see from the web site that some
ticket prices go up after June 15th,so book early to avoid
disappointment. ![]() © Copyright Cooke-Shuttleworth Enterprises 2001 |